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A Special Stewardship Message from Pastor Chris:

September 19, 2024


Members and Friends of First Presbyterian Church of Berthoud,


On the wall in my office hangs an icon called “The Sower of the Seed.” It’s a visual representation of the parable Jesus tells in Matthew 13 of a farmer who scattered seeds across different kinds of soil. Some seeds landed on a path, where birds ate them up. Some landed among rocks, germinated quickly, and then withered because their roots had no depth. Some seeds fell among weeds and thorns, leaving little room for new growth. At last, some fell on good soil. Those seeds, Jesus says, “brought forth grain, some a hundred-fold, some sixty, some thirty” (Matthew 13:8). Jesus explains later in Matthew 13 that the seed is the “word of the kingdom,” meaning the message that Jesus is Lord and the invitation to follow him. Accordingly, the icon portrays Jesus as the Sower, his hand tossing seeds out from a large bundle around his waist as he proclaims good news.


For 140 years, First Presbyterian Church of Berthoud has been good soil for God’s word. Since the seeds were first planted for this congregation, we have proclaimed the Gospel from one generation to another, growing, adapting, and bearing fruit along the way. Today we are a lively, multigenerational congregation united in our desire to know and follow Christ. This was all made possible because of others who sowed seeds here throughout decades past: pastors who have preached the Gospel, musicians and choir directors who have led us in praising God, administrative staff whose behind-the-scenes work has supported the church’s ministry, countless elders and deacons who guided and nurtured the congregation, and hundreds of other members who served and shared generously. This reminds me of another seed-sowing scripture, 2 Corinthians 9:6, in which the Apostle Paul wrote, “One who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” We reap bountifully today because many who came before us sowed bountifully.


Looking to the future, I pray that we will continue to sow bountifully. You can plant seeds by giving of your time and volunteering your talents for service in our congregation. That might mean singing in the choir, assisting with our youth group, or visiting homebound members. You may even consider serving as an Elder or Deacon, guiding our congregation in worship and witness. You can also plant seeds by sharing the resources God has entrusted to you, giving to supply our church budget and support our staff as they lead and serve us. As you do, you can trust that “God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).


To help the Session, the Budget Committee, and the Nominating Committee prepare for 2025, we’ve enclosed a pledge card with this letter on which you may indicate your financial support for the coming year and any ways in which you would like to volunteer your time and talents. If you worship with us in person, please bring your card with you to worship on Stewardship Sunday, October 20, at 10:00 a.m., when we will collectively offer these pledges to God. You may also mail your pledge card back to the church in the enclosed envelope. Your responses will inform both our 2025 budget and our nominees for new Elders and Deacons, all of which will be presented at our Annual Congregational Meeting on November 17, following worship. Thank you for your continued support of First Presbyterian Church of Berthoud.




Grace and Peace,

Rev. Christopher Brown

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